- Various forms of questioning techniques - How do you know? What else could you have done? Why do you think that happened? What would you have done differently? What else could you add/delete? What will happen next? ALL THE TIME - ALL DAY!!
- Predicting - when a new topic is introduced I try to do predictions (especially for science) what they think we will be learning or what they think will happen.
- KWL Charts - we use these charts as group work or individually
depending on the subject/topic of interest.
- Venn Diagrams - very effective tool for comparing and contrasting between texts (AR books or novels), subjects and other particular reading selections or lessons.
These are just a few activities that I could think of that help my ELLs with language support. They encourage the students to cooperate in collaborative groups, use their new L2 in an atmosphere that is "safe" and helps increase their usage without feeling overwhelmed. I encourage my students to experiment with the language - orally and written to help them acquire their L2 at a pace that is comfortable to them.
Podcasting is still a new concept for me but I have introduced this technology to my students. I have used it as a basic tool for language practice but after reading this chapter I have gained a lot more knowledge that I know will be most beneficial for my ELLs!
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